Best bike gadgets and accessories you have to try

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Best bike gadgets and accessories you have to try

Best bike gadgets and accessories you have to try

Whether you’re a professional cyclist or you use your bike to get around town, these are the best bike accessories you have to try. Whether it’s on your next way to work, a getaway through the countryside or the city, these gadgets can make your pedaling experience safer and even more fun.

And it is that although we do not think about them, gadgets and accessories for bicycles are an important part of cycling. Because when you are pedalling away from home, what you can or cannot do on your bike will depend on what you have with you at that moment. So it ‘s worth investing in different accessories that can make your hours of riding more satisfying to say the least. Know more about advent calendar gifts.

And where can I start looking at gadgets? Well, you could go to any store, but if you want to buy the best bicycle accessories at the best price in a sustainable way , we can only recommend that you look at Cash Converters. You can find everything from second-hand bicycle accessories for everyday use, to second-hand cycling accessories for the most enthusiastic.

The 14 Best Bike Accessories

From helmets to backpacks, going through all kinds of electronic and smart devices, you can not lose detail of the list of the best bicycle gadgets that we have prepared for you. There is everything, so do not hesitate to review the offers we have at this time.

1. Smart helmet

Safety comes first and this is precisely why number one on our list of the best bike accessories had to be a smart helmet. There are many models and types, but in general there are two functions that you should look for above the rest. You might be interested in star wars death sticks.

The first is the LED lights that many of these smart helmets incorporate, which depending on the model will even allow you to warn drivers of your maneuvers. The second feature is bluetooth , with which you can answer calls from the helmet without being nervous because the phone is vibrating in your pants or backpack.

2. Night light system

If you ride your bike at night, you may have noticed that sometimes the reflective systems of the wheels or the small flashlights are not enough to light your way and to make you visible at night.

It is for this very reason that having a good night light system on your bicycle will help you pedal more safely in your day to day life. There are many types, from front and rear lights, through LEDs for the wheels and much more.

3. Bike GPS

Don’t think that because all phones come with GPS, you shouldn’t need one for your bike. These types of bicycle accessories are the ideal companion for cyclists who like to take long walks in nature and spontaneously explore new routes. Learn more about death sticks star wars.

A GPS for the bike, apart from having much more battery power than a phone , will allow you to explore in nature without worrying about how you are going to orient yourself. Focus on what really brings you pleasure and let the technology worry about tracking your location.

4 . Bicycle lock

If you are one of those who parks the bicycle on the street, you will know that investing in a very good bicycle lock is essential. And it is that unfortunately, if we save a few euros on a cheaper lock, we can pay dearly for not finding the bicycle where we had left it.

There are different types of bicycle locks, from those with a “U” shape to those with a cable, with a key, with a numerical combination or even both . The important thing is that you choose a good model and do not resort to using a locker chain and padlock, because the result may be what you do not expect.

5 . bicycle phone holder

Nowadays we use the phone for almost anything. Listen to music, find our way around the city or on rare occasions, speak for him. Did you know that you can do all of this without getting off the bike and with hardly any loss of sight of the road?

For this you don’t need anything else than a phone holder for your bike and this accessory will have your mobile securely held in the middle of the handlebar . This will allow you to check the map and see where you are going or even pick up a call and take it through your smart helmet. But remember not to get distracted from the road!

6. Bicycle speedometer

Have you ever been curious to know how fast you go when you pedal? Whether it is just out of curiosity, or if you are training to beat your personal bests or reach a goal, you should know that speedometers exist.

These bicycle gadgets will allow you to keep track of your speed and the distance traveled during the trip, so you can get your own data and improve your performance in the different sections of your journey. This speedometer is mounted on the handlebar and will give you all this data in real time while you pedal.

7 . bike camera

For safety or fun, something as simple as putting a camera on the handlebars could become one of the best accessories for your bike if you think about it carefully. Whether you want to capture your best moments while riding, or have proof in your favor in the event of an accident (which we hope you don’t), you shouldn’t rule out the idea of ​​putting a camera on your bike. There are them with integrated support or compatible with dozens of bicycle supports, the important thing is that you choose a model designed to record the action as it unfolds.

8 . cycling mirror

Maintaining your spatial awareness is one of the most important things we have to keep in mind when we get on a bike, especially if we do it in an urban environment. And it is that when we go through the city we need to know what is happening behind you and turning your head will prevent you from seeing what is happening in front of you .

In this sense, one of the best bicycle accessories that we can buy in order to improve our safety is a simple adapted mirror. There are many models and shapes , all of which will allow you to see what is behind you without taking away the ability to react to anything in front of you.

9 . Hydration backpack

If you like to pedal for hours and hours without stopping, in such a way that stopping to drink water is not an option, you should reconsider buying a hydration pack as a new gadget for your bicycle. Not only do they help you carry your keys and phone, but they also eliminate the need to carry a separate water bottle , as you can drink directly from the pack’s reservoir as you ride – all without taking your hands off the handlebars!

10. Sunglasses for cyclists

Feeling the sun on your skin while riding a bike is amazing, but feeling it in your eyes is not. Whether for health or safety, the sun can be a dangerous distraction if it prevents you from paying due attention to what’s in front of you. To solve this, there are models of sunglasses that are adapted to cyclists , and will offer you a high level of protection without harming your vision or obscuring the environment.

11 . smart meter

Did you know that there is a gadget for bicycles with which you can always know if your wheels are properly inflated and to your liking? And all this without the need to place any inflator, because the smart pressure gauges are there for this and with how useful it is, why ask for more?

This smart gauge will allow you to measure the air pressure of your tires anywhere and some models even come with an option that will allow you to release the air from the wheel so you can quickly deflate the tire and get a new accurate measurement.

12 . cycling multitool

If you talk to any self-respecting cyclist, they will tell you that having a multi-tool on you is always one of the best bicycle accessories that you can always carry in your backpack. And it is that most of the repairs or maintenance that your bicycle may need are things that you can do yourself with some basic knowledge and the right (multi) tool.

A few simple spare parts and a multi-tool will get you through most repairs even when you’re out in the field and miles from the nearest bike shop.

13. Surfboard Stand

Besides cycling, do you like surfing? You’ll be glad to know that the next time you want to take your surfboard to the beach it will be twice as easy thanks to the fact that you can attach a surfboard rack to your bike.

As you are reading it, this accessory will keep your board safe and well anchored to the side of your bike while you pedal to the nearest beach and back home after a long day of surfing.

14. Coffee cup holder

The last of the best bicycle accessories that we want to recommend will make you especially excited if you are one of those who go to work by bicycle without having had time to drink coffee beforehand. Because we don’t need to tell you why it’s not easy to carry a cup of coffee with you on a bike . That’s where this cup holder comes in. He mounts on the handlebars and allows you to carry a cup of coffee without occupying your hands and without you having to worry about spills.

And so far our list of the best accessories and gadgets for bicycles that you should buy. Surely you already knew some, but we hope not all! If you know of a new accessory that needs to be on this list, say what it is in the comment box so we can add it.

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